Alan's asylum

What, just because I play video games for a living doesn't mean I get to rant.. does it?

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

If I wasn't confused, I wouldn't be sane... right??

Monday, usually a fairly busy day for me in my line of work. I do alot of catching up from everyone who was trying to get ahold of me all weekend. Fortunately for me (or unfortunately) due to the snow, I already had everything from the weekend all taken care of and it made today's workload rather light. I was able to get everything caught up (kinda) and hang out with Kenny for the second half of my day.

I received my new bowling ball from UPS today (bought on eBay) and decided to head down to the alley and get it drilled and try it out. Unfortunately, when I got there, there was a guy monopolizing the time of the woman in the pro-shop and thus, my ball is sitting there waiting to be drilled tomorrow.

Speaking of tomorrow, Marci is coming over tomorrow. I'm excited! I don't get to spend enough time with her anymore and, while I don't have the same feelings for her, I still really really care about her and everything that's going on in her life. It'll be fun!

Marci, why do I get jealous when I think of her with another guy? I mean, I'm the one who said I was gay, I'm the one who broke it off... She was perfectly happy with being with me for the rest of our lives and I went and got rid of that. Why am I getting jealous that she's going to be with someone else? I really need to evaluate myself and find out why that is... It's confusing! At the same time, I'm sure she's jealous when she thinks about me and Kenny and thus, I try to limit my mention of him as much as possible whenever/wherever I think she'll hear. (Kinda why I didn't post alot about him on here yet, I know she reads this.. Hi Marci!!)

Well, it's REALLY late and I should get some sleep. Insomnia really sucks. I have to be up in less than 5 hours to get back to work and I don't know if I'll be able to. We'll see...

Off I go..

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Lazy sundays..

Today wasn't as productive as I wanted it to be, I slept in very late (1PM) and even then I didn't want to get up, so I laid there for another 15 to 20 minutes before I finally got out of bed. Once I was up I picked up my room a little bit (as much as I can, since there's not alot of places for me to put things yet) and then sat at the computer doing a bit of work.

Flowchart fun. Posted by Hello

So yea, I'm working hard on things, including flowcharts for the new website upgrade. It's a living.. (See I don't play video games the WHOLE time I work.. heh).

Anyway, I'm going to go try to get this room straightened a bit more. We have a carpenter coming tomorrow to see how much it'd be to finish it (that way maybe you won't see the oil tank next to the head of my bed.. lol

The weather seems to always be against me...

Hourly forcast - Blinding Snow Posted by Hello

Well, another week, another snowstorm preventing me from having company. I'm really starting to think that Mother Nature doesn't want me to have people over...

Right now I'm working on customizing this page as much as I can without putting TOO much time into it. I added my textamerica live link on the right below my profile pic and I also added my radio blog. Right now the only things in it are my own personal works, but I'll add more stuff that I like, etc. I really should be working on a flowchart for work, it's due monday, but I'll be snowed in all day tomorrow so I'll get it done.

Today I didn't do much of anything, I sat down here in my room playing on the computer and basically vegging out. Felt good to do that finally! Put a little time into Half Life 2 (still haven't finished it) and Warcraft 3. Won 5 Ladder games today and then played some custom maps with Kenny (Ahhhh Kenny, I'll tell you more about him later, he deserves his own post).

Anyway, I've been on an eBay buying spree lately. I've needed everything I've bought so far, (either realistically or for entertainment value) so it's not THAT bad. But I have to watch myself. Though I'm selling things too to offset the cost of buying stuff!

Friday, January 21, 2005

Me?? Blog?!? Ok.... I guess

I have a MySpace Page that I was convinced to use by a friend of mine. However, I don't like the flexibility (read: lack thereof) there. So, After looking at every blog hosting site on the web there is, I've decided to come back to good ole Blogger.

I don't know what's making me blog, but I guess its something I need to do in order to get out the frustration and anxiety I'm feeling as of late. It's a healthy habit I guess, so I will continue to do it, even if I know nobody at all looks at my blog.

Expect me to rant a bit later, right now I'm working on making this site something more habitable, right now it's too... Plain!