Alan's asylum

What, just because I play video games for a living doesn't mean I get to rant.. does it?

Sunday, January 23, 2005

The weather seems to always be against me...

Hourly forcast - Blinding Snow Posted by Hello

Well, another week, another snowstorm preventing me from having company. I'm really starting to think that Mother Nature doesn't want me to have people over...

Right now I'm working on customizing this page as much as I can without putting TOO much time into it. I added my textamerica live link on the right below my profile pic and I also added my radio blog. Right now the only things in it are my own personal works, but I'll add more stuff that I like, etc. I really should be working on a flowchart for work, it's due monday, but I'll be snowed in all day tomorrow so I'll get it done.

Today I didn't do much of anything, I sat down here in my room playing on the computer and basically vegging out. Felt good to do that finally! Put a little time into Half Life 2 (still haven't finished it) and Warcraft 3. Won 5 Ladder games today and then played some custom maps with Kenny (Ahhhh Kenny, I'll tell you more about him later, he deserves his own post).

Anyway, I've been on an eBay buying spree lately. I've needed everything I've bought so far, (either realistically or for entertainment value) so it's not THAT bad. But I have to watch myself. Though I'm selling things too to offset the cost of buying stuff!


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